Introduction to yoga Inversions

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22 Mar.

Introduction to yoga Inversions

March 22 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Not suitable for absolute beginners; you should have a reasonable level of fitness and regular asana practice.

Nina will lead this fun workshop to introduce and develop basic skills to explore accessing arm balances and make your way upside down safely. Inversions help focus the mind, develop strength and build confidence – providing a space to calm the nervous system and reconnect with a sense of play and joy. Arm balances require the same focus and development of strength, body awareness and form the foundations to access inversions.

If you are looking to extend your practice and start incorporating some of the more challenging asana, this is for you. Whether you are just beginning to attempt them, or wish to deepen your current practice, you will be shown the principles and foundations to help you from the ground up.

Not suitable for absolute beginners; you should have a reasonable level of fitness and regular asana practice. Be prepared to sweat and practice some intermediate to advanced preparatory sequences and drills. We will use props and assists to help support everyone’s different levels of strength, mobility and experience in a playful way. Covering four main postures:

Bakasana/Parsva Bakasana – Crow/Side Crow

Titibhasana – Firefly

SIrsasana – Headstand (supported or tripod)

Pincha Mayaurasana – Forearm Balance

We will explore how arm balances and inversions help to focus the mind and body and relate the physical practice to the principals of Patanjalis Sutras i.e. concentration (dharana), withdrawal of senses/inward focus (pratyhara), balance of effort/ease (sthira sukham asana).

The workshop includes:

Warm Up – 30min Power Flow

Preparation – Strength Drills

Get on Up – Alignment and Body Awareness

The cost is £30. Concession prices are available, please write in to

Event Details

Date: March 22 @ 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Yoga Point Brixton
Address: 122 Dalberg Road