Reiki & Seichem

Naylou McLean

Contact Naylou

Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki Practitioner uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy, known as life force energy, through the client’s body to reduce stress and promote healing. It is a calming non-intrusive hands-on and hands-off treatment while the recipient remains fully clothed, and some people feel very relaxed they even fall asleep.

Seichem works in the same way as Reiki, with hand movements along the body, but in addition, hands will work in the aura which surrounds the body. It is reputedly one of the healing arts practiced in ancient Egypt. Reiki is one of the four elemental rays which make up Seichem – earth (Reiki), water, air and fire.

Naylou is a qualified, accredited and insured Reiki and Seichem Master, Massage Therapist, Meditation Teacher (The British School of Meditation – BSoM), and Sound Energy practitioner in Sound Energy Therapy and Vibroacoustic Massage (Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association – SEMPA).