Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

Anti Sexual Harassment Policy

“Yoga practice is the science of personal liberation and social justice.” (Barkataki: 2020)

Under the Equality Act (2010), sexual harassment is defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, which has the purpose or effect of either:

  1. violating the complainant’s dignity; or
  2. creating a hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the complainant

From: Yoga teachers’ union website: safety and Dignity at work pack.


At Yoga Point Brixton, we do not tolerate sexual harassment from teachers, students, visitors. Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Examples of sexual harassment include unwanted and unnecessary physical contact; offensive remarks (including unwelcome comments about appearance); obscene jokes or other inappropriate use of sexually offensive language; and unwelcome sexual advances by teachers, students, or other visitors to the studio. Non-physical gestures, behaviour, unnecessary physical contact, verbal suggestion, or innuendo may constitute sexual harassment.

If anyone experiences or witnesses any sexual harassment at Yoga Point we ask that you contact Rebecca Hopwood via email at You do not have to put the details of your complaint in writing, you only need to put that you have experienced or witnessed something at Yoga Point that you are unhappy about or would like to discuss. We will maintain confidentiality. If you include your phone number and a good time to call, then Rebecca will phone to listen. If you don’t put a contact number, Rebecca will write back and ask if you would like to talk about the issue via phone.

Having listened and discussed it, action will be taken which will include looking into what has happened and discussing it with those involved. The outcome will depend on how serious the occurrence is and the responses of those concerned.